Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde

Noun – US informal: A know-it-all kind of person (Collins English Dictionary)
Thus a know-all and smart-aleck.
We at Weisenheimer Legal like being know-alls. We are convinced that you deserve the best consulting.
Someone who applies their entire know-how in your company and finds the smartest and best solution for your situation.
Someone who thinks like an entrepreneur and always focuses legal solutions on the economic objective.
Someone who knows and understands you and your company.
Your personal weisenheimer.
Weisenheimer Legal specialises in the consulting of small and medium-sized enterprises and accompanies and advises them in all legal matters. Weisenheimer Legal can refer to comprehensive experience with successful companies in a variety of segments. Our clients are both national but also international companies. However, especially our industry-specific experience in the IT and Life Science industry as well as in aviation industry is highly sought after. Upon request we will be happy to share some of our success stories with you.
Thanks to our long-term experience and profound knowledge of the corporate landscape of small and medium-sized companies, we know how important and advantageous it is for long-existing companies to enter a corporate partnership with someone on eye-level. This applies to both national companies as well as our international clients.
Good ideas need a breeding ground. You have founded your company – every day is a new challenge. We want to be your partners – regarding know-how, advising you and your new enterprise in all legal matters of entrepreneurship as well as financially. We will help you at every point from Seed Financing up to the complete maturity of your company. We also accompany the development of your enterprise with our contract design. We are dynamically aligned with your company, your needs and performance. We and our network will also gladly invest in promising business ideas and will share the risk with you as partners.
You have built up and established your company over a long period of time and now want to ensure that there is an orderly transition. With our experience and our network, we will help you starting from the search for a suitable successor up to the succession of your company and will thereby achieve a fruitful win-win situation.
Within our Weisenheimer network, we also like to include specialist support in order to holistically simplify all aspects of the business succession.
Thanks to our many years of experience in the consulting of clients working in or concerned with aviation, we support them both with expert legal knowledge as well as industry-specific know-how. We are acquainted in detail with the particular conventions of the transport and aviation industry and thanks to our network also possess the necessary national and international contacts.
Within the scope of aviation, we offer support in the areas “Financing”, “Litigation” and “Regulatory”. Upon request, we will be happy to provide a reference list
High client dedication
– we see ourselves as part of your company.
Your needs are our needs
– an open conversational atmosphere and profound understanding of your company and your environment is our incentive.
We live entrepreneurship
– as independent entrepreneurs we experience the same things you do. That is why we know: short distances, fast action.
Martina Flitsch
Since 2000, Martina Flitsch has been active as a lawyer with focus on aviation and corporate. After many years as founding partner of a renowned corporate law firm, she now became partner of Weisenheimer Legal in 2018.
She acquired her expertise in the field of aviation thanks to her inhouse occupation at the Austrian Airlines AG over many years. In recent years, apart from commercial aviation, she focused on consulting in the area Business Aviation. Among her aviation clients you will find international airlines, Air Operaters, banks, aeroplane owners, CAMO etc. On the side, Martina Flitsch has published articles on diverse topics of aviation and is member of aviation-specific organisations and networks.
Otherwise she offers advice for companies in questions regarding labour law, company law, contract law and public procurement law.
Furthermore, Martina Flitsch is a lecturer at the Donau University Krems and is on the supervisory committee of several renowned companies (e.g. Novomatic AG). Attached please find her list of publications.
Since 1996, Dominik Leiter has been active as counselor for numerous national and international clients. After many years in renowned international corporate law firms, he became founding partner of Weisenheimer Legal in 2017.
He gained his expertise in a large number of different M&A and capital market transactions, but also with real estate transactions (acquisition of real estate portfolios or shopping centers) and national and international insourcing and outsourcing processes, in international litigation and in the long-standing support of HR departments of international groups.
His clients are renowned international groups as well as national SMEs including start-ups, whom he advises in all fields of Austrian and international law.
Through his complementary knowledge as a coach and mentor, which he acquired in the USA, he accompanies clients and their managers in optimising their handling of legal challenges and offers a human-centred advisory approach.
Dominik Leiter is a member of the International Bar Association, the Union International d´Avocats and the European Employment Lawyers Association. He graduated at the faculty of law at the University of Vienna as well as at the Donau-University Krems.
Robert Leuthner
Robert Leuthner has more than 20 years of experience in the consulting of national and international companies in all fields of Corporate Finance, Capital Markets as well as Mergers/Acquisitions as general legal consulting. He was involved in numerous highly specialised projects, for example the IPO of phion AG, the first public midmarket offering on the Vienna Stock Exchange. Robert Leuthner is registered Capital Market Coach (CMC) and official listing partner of the Vienna Stock Exchange. His client structure includes startups, long-existing SMEs as well as banks and financial service providers which he advises in all areas of austrian and international Law.
Robert Leuthner is lecturer at the Bachelor seminar “Management and Law” at the Management Center Innsbruck and author of numerous legal specialist articles for Corporate Finance topics. He graduated at the faculty of law at the University of Vienna and has a Master degree from the Columbia University School of Law, New York/USA. He is attorney at Law both in Austria and in the state of New York/USA. Since 2020 he has been registered in the list of established European lawyers of the canton of Zug/Switzerland. There he heads the Swiss correspondence office of Weisenheimer in Cham/Zug.
Dominik Stibi
Dominik Stibi has been a licensed lawyer since the summer of 2018, and partner, making him the youngest member of the Weisenheimer.
He has acquired the expertise required for his work in the most renowned law firms of Vienna and Asia in the areas of litigation, IP/IT law, real estate, corporate and employment law. In addition to his studies, he worked for the law firm “Kosesnik Wehrle und Langer”, which specialises in insolvency and consumer law, as a legal assistant and as a study assistant at the Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law under Prof. Dr. Bernd Christian Funk. As a trainee lawyer, he completed his training with Brauneis Klauser Prändl, Wolf Theiss and Stock Rafaseder Gruszkiewicz. His clients mainly include start-ups in the pharmaceutical, food, hemp and IT industries, which he represents in all areas of Austrian and international business law.
He graduated at the law faculty of the University of Vienna among the best of his year.

Flitsch Leuthner Leiter Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Walfischgasse 8/34
1010 Wien, Austria
phone: +43 1 361 9002-0
fax: +43 1 361 9002-999
Correspondence Office Switzerland*
Alte Steinhauserstraße 1
CH-6330 Cham/Zug
* in cooperation.